On a lighter note, my boys are becoming more wild and crazy by the day. I love spending time with them just playing and laughing. Today we went to the "workout gym" as Ryan calls it, had a good lunch, and a great nap. I was so fortunate that both (well one at least) wanted to take a nap. The other was coaxed into a nap with the hope of a piece of chocolate cake (made with diet pepsi) after awakening. You can guess that was the first thing out of his mouth after getting up (after having to check on Alex of course). Then we had to put the Thomas the Train puzzle together again. Amazingly enough it takes Ryan no time to do this. It has to sit all day in the dining room with the light on so that at night we can turn out all the lights and watch it glow in the dark. Nana did you know it would do that when you bought it?
This is a blog about our family, mostly the boys, for those of our family that live far away. Unfortunately that's about 100% of Renee's family, so it's really for them. Also I want something the boys can look back on in the future and share with their families.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
On a lighter note, my boys are becoming more wild and crazy by the day. I love spending time with them just playing and laughing. Today we went to the "workout gym" as Ryan calls it, had a good lunch, and a great nap. I was so fortunate that both (well one at least) wanted to take a nap. The other was coaxed into a nap with the hope of a piece of chocolate cake (made with diet pepsi) after awakening. You can guess that was the first thing out of his mouth after getting up (after having to check on Alex of course). Then we had to put the Thomas the Train puzzle together again. Amazingly enough it takes Ryan no time to do this. It has to sit all day in the dining room with the light on so that at night we can turn out all the lights and watch it glow in the dark. Nana did you know it would do that when you bought it?
The Hostetter Family
I am constantly reminded of how blessed I truly am to have two beautiful children. If you've ever noticed the names of people on my mind, one in particular is truly there just now and I pray that they will lay heavy on your heart as well. The Hostetters had a Trisomy 18 baby born in the beginning of December that went to be with Jesus this past weekend. How lucky they were to have him for the time God allowed, but my heart still aches for them as they return him to his heavenly father. Please continue to remember this family as you go about your days and weeks to be reminded of the blessings we take for granted.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The weekend
I had to work today, Saturday so that Mike and myself wouldn't overlap schedules. Although it would've been nice to be home as a family, sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. Anyway, while I was at work, he took some really cute pictures of my little men. Ryan had gotten a new dragon courtesy of grandma and poppy and it appears that Alex enjoyed it as well. How blessed I am to have such beautiful, healthy boys.
Friday, January 25, 2008
I've been working a little on our blog. I hope you like it.
Alex almost rolled over yesterday and really laughed for the first time this past Sunday as we were getting ready for Church.
Ryan is just as sharp as ever--his new thing being the difference between mammals and reptiles. Just ask him and he'll let you know.
Alex almost rolled over yesterday and really laughed for the first time this past Sunday as we were getting ready for Church.
Ryan is just as sharp as ever--his new thing being the difference between mammals and reptiles. Just ask him and he'll let you know.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
My heart
I am so fortunate to have such a great life and two beautiful boys. Having said this, my life has been changed by viewing blogs of other people not so fortunate. I have gone from one to the next just reading and absorbing just a small amount of what these people have lost. By starting with Poppy Joy my life has been forever changed. I have read multiple blogs and pray for them on a daily basis. I wish you would join me in reading and keeping these people in your prayers. The first is Poppyjoy.blogspot.com. Then another tristanasher.blogspot.com (He is still fighting the fight). My most recent blog that really has nothing to do with loss as of yet, but keeps me returning is cfhusband.blogspot.com. He is married to a woman with cystic fibrosis that while working to get on the list for a double lung transplant found out she was pregnant. Against all odds she attempted to carry the pregnancy. Due to her health the baby had to be delivered at 24wks 5 days gestation. At just over a pound she has a head full of hair and is fighting hard to survive. Her mom is fighting hard as well with a trach and vent. I just felt the need to share this and hope you come to appreciate your lives as I have.
alex talks
Alex has been cooing and talking pretty much nonstop these days. I love to listen to him when he laughs and smiles. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful healthy boy.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
3 months
Can you believe the little man is 3 months old? It still amazes me how time seems to move and such a quickened pace the older we become. The jobs, the activities, going from one place to the next--it's never ending. Anyway. I just had to click a picture or two just to show how big he is getting. We go on February 6th for his 4 month check up. No doubt he has gained a ton of weight. Between carrying him and carrying him in the car seat I always get my weightlifting done :) :)
My life
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
What a year we have to look forward to. Our big boy is growing up into such a little man. Alex is changing more and more every day and even slept all night last night for the first time. I put him down at 9:30pm and Mike woke him up at 7:15 (why I'm not sure) WOW!!! What a new year's. We all slept all night long. I think the Lord above knew we all needed some good rest. Anyway--we wish the best for you all. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
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