But in addition to that we added another pill called Intuniv. This one is a WINNER!!! Although Ryan was very defiant in the beginning, the doctor took it out of the package and showed it to him and explained the importance of taking it. When we got home that afternoon, we worked hard at trying to find a way to take it. As it so happened, he wrapped part of a grilled cheese around the pill and swallowed it!!! Yeah for Ryan!!!! We overcame a huge hurdle. After a few days it became apparent that this was the medicine he's needed. He doesn't even use the patch anymore ($40 down the drain, but for priceless results with another med). Yesterday he came home with a cool cat award from school for having a positive attitude, being respectful to others, and striving for his personal best. Yes!!!! See, my child IS a wonderful child. I've known it all along. It just took a small chemical to make him calm enough for people to see that. Today he got called out and got to sit at the cool cat table for lunch. I am such a proud mommy. Not that I wasn't before, but it was so much more difficult last year. This year is starting off on the right foot.
Alexander is stubborn. I swear it gets worse with every passing day. Yesterday morning he woke up dry. Yeah!! But then he refused to go the potty. I tried to get his pull up off and he just pitched an absolute fit. Later he agreed to put on underwear but fought me every step of the way to put on the plastic protector so he could ride in his car seat. Not five minutes later he informed us that he had pooped in his pants. Really he had just wet himself... AAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!! I keep reminding myself, "one day it will just click"
I had a rough week eating. I don't expect to lose any weight this week. With two of our girls leaving and having food at work and then going out for breakfast, I REALLY over did it. I haven't eaten like that since May and although it tasted good going down, I felt really crappy about it later. Lesson learned for future reference.
Enough blabbering for now.
Love to you all,