Yes, I know I'm behind, and haven't posted about Alexander's birthday, but sometimes life just gets in the way. Do you ever feel like, "If I could just stop doing everything I do for just a week, i wonder what I could accomplish?" That's the way I feel. Don't get me wrong, I know the things I do are by my choosing, but some days I wish I didn't do anything else except deliver babies. No extra classes, no gym classes, no birthing classes..........just me. I am actually sort of looking forward to the holidays as they approach in the coming months just for that reason.
School for Ryan is going much better. I met with his teachers, the parent/teacher liaison, the social worker, and the vice principal last week. And although in the beginning I was not much of a fan of his teacher, I love her now. She talked a lot about Ryan and noticing triggers of his behavior. They have worked on doing things differently and he's been fine. Thank you God for a teacher that pays attention and works with him to create a better environment for everyone. I also love that even last week as a little boy started to poke and prod him in line, Ryan did nothing in return other than look at his teacher. He made a very mature decision to not poke and prod back, but to get the attention of Mrs. V and let her handle it. She praised him for his decision and so did I. I think he's finally coming in to his own during this 2nd grade year.
Speaking of Ryan.......I let him go on his first overnight trip out of town. He went to the farm of a friend's grandparents. He was oh so excited and I was just as nervous. He would be over an hour away......would he do okay being that far away from home? Of course he did!! He loved every minute of it in the hot tub, going to the chicken coop, and riding a 4 wheeler. Although that is not something I would have normally let him do, I was not there to make that decision for him. He did tell me he rode slowly with an adult so I felt somewhat better about the situation. When I picked him up this evening, he had a deer antler and 6 farm fresh eggs he picked from the coop this morning. He really enjoyed the farm and spending time with his "bff". I love how he has this friend.
Alexander has graduated to a big boy high back booster seat now. Oh my goodness.....he hops in and buckles himself up without my help. When did this happen? He's watched Ryan so much and knows exactly how to do things. I am just in amazement over how much he has grown up over the past few months. I no longer have a toddler. I have a young boy. He's all smiles and full of information. He loves to sing and dance and even at Chipotle tonight he was dancing in his seat. What can I say? He comes by it naturally :)
I am so grateful for both of my beautiful boys. I am truly blessed.