Today we had Ryan's 5th birthday party. It was a blast. Seriously, I'm not sure what I was doing inviting kids to my house. It was non-stop noise from the boys (and one girl) playing with cars and animals. The theme was Transformers (imagine that). I made a Barricade cake using a Nascar pan. I think it turned out pretty good and Ryan liked it. That is the big deciding vote anyway.
I'm so amazed by him these days. He is so smart and some of the things he says just blows me away. The other day I had asked him to pick up Alex's cup from the floor. When I thanked him for doing that he promptly said, "It was my pleasure" Seriously? Did that really come out of my son's mouth? I was a little shocked, but pleased nonetheless. He's not perfect, but I think over the last five years he's turned into an okay kid. He takes his vitamins every day without complaining. He plays well with others (including his baby brother). And he even says his prayers every night, and lately one of his own. His own prayer to God. I love that the most.
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful child. God truly has given me such a precious life to raise. I love you big boy. You are my heart.
What great photos. Looks like he had a great time.
OMG Renee, I just stumbled across your blog and I am beyond excited. I hope you remember me. I used to work L&D with you....Tina K.
I can't wait to read over your blog today, well that's if the Triplets will behave. Congrats on your second son. Both your boys are just spectacular.
say hi to everyone who I might still know there.
This just makes my day.
oh I am going to add you to my blogroll if that's OK (blushing shamefully)
I will look at the blog you suggested. Now don't work too hard it's bad for your health! LOL
(((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) SISTA!
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