one of the few sweet brother moments
Alex loving his basketball
Ryan swimming like Michael Phelps
So I think I am waaay over doting on my children on this blog. It is becoming more and more difficult to sound sweet all of the time. They are cute and adorable, but they are also horrendous at times. And I think the closer it gets to christmas, the worse they both get. And Alex doesn't even understand the concept yet. He just follows in big brother's footsteps. Bless his little baby heart.
Ryan has been ever so difficult lately. At home, church, and school. I am at my wit's end on what to do. I've tried everything it seems. Spanking, time out, taking things away, extra homework, no TV, no computer....what else is there? My last resort I swear is to pack his bags and send him to some other military school. Not really, but I don't really know what to do. Every morning before I drop him off we discuss how we're going to have a good day at school. Listen, cooperate, raise my hand, be respectful by saying yes ma'am and no ma'am to his teachers--he's got all that down pat. But it's everything else. Walking in line like he's supposed to. Sitting still on carpet. And today of all things--he pulled a girl's hair until she cried. Sheez oh pete child!! That I am sure has come from Alex who has started that since moving up classrooms at daycare. What Ryan doesn't seem to realize is that Alex gets in trouble when he pulls hair and so will he!! If anybody has any ideas, please feel free to respond. He has his annual appointment with his pediatrician in the morning, so I can discuss things with him as well.
Alex on the other hand has been so hard to get to bed, always wanting to go "nite, nite" in my bed. That is coming to a close, and it's about door therapy (as Mike calls it) every night. We have to close the door and let him cry it out. And since he is able to open the door, I had to put a handle on it that he can not use. It breaks my heart, but he has to learn to go to bed. Once he's asleep, I open the door so that I can hear him so it's not as though he is locked in there all night. He has also had this fascination with the DVDs. So much so, that we had to move them into our closet where they can't be seen. He just wants to look at them, pull them apart and re-stack them. It's cute and keeps him occupied, but seriously? You have to leave them in the case son if you ever want to watch them again.
I'm sure tonight will be traumatic as Ryan can't watch TV or play on the computer & I am moving bedtime back to 8pm. He will pitch a fit I am sure, but that's life. Alex will be upset when he can't watch TV either, but I guess that's just what will have to happen. Maybe we can decorate the Christmas tree or something to keep them occupied until bed time.
Okay, enough blubbering. I really do love my children, it just seems as though some days it's a little much. I feel so sorry for Kate Gosselin. I realize people think she was a b#%$^ but seriously? If I had to wrangle 8 kids at a time, with 6 being the same age, I can't say as though I wouldn't be the same and do a lot of the same things as she did. I have trouble some days managing just my 2. They are beautiful and adorable children. Ryan really excels in reading and math, and is truly enjoying his swim lessons. We'll do another 8 weeks beginning in January or February. Alex loves to read and his vocabulary is ever increasing. He understands everything you say, especially when it comes to brushing teeth. He loves that part of night time ritual. He also likes to try to potty. He's watched Ryan and the kids in his class do it--he thinks he can, too. It's so funny to see him stand at the potty. He's so short and barely comes to the edge, but he wants to be like the older kids. Who knows, maybe he'll potty train early.
So enough of my rant now. Here's to a good rest of the week. Prayers to God for patience and strength.
1 comment:
Ok, as you know, I am TOTALLY not where you are yet and haven't dealt with those issues but I read something on another blog one day that seemed to make fairly good sense. Once again, I don't have a child that age so I can't say what I would do but this seemed to work wonders for this lady.
She said her son had an incredibly difficult day with him and he refused to change his behavior. So, when he came home from school, his room was bare except for his bed. No toys, no books, no anything except for furniture and clothes. She told him that every time he obeyed her that day, he could choose ONE item to go back into his room. But, the first time he disobeyed, whined, was mean to a sibling, etc, she would choose one of those items to be taken away again. The same was true for school. Good days with no discipline problems got to bring 3 items out. Every time there was an issue, she chose one item. It took her less than a week to see a noticable difference. She said it was hard core and gut wrenching in the beginning but when he learned that good behavior equaled the reward and bad behavior equaled loss of reward, the spankings ended and behavior got so much better.
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