Ryan had a much better week at school. Granted, some days were better than others, but he has succeeded in gaining back a few of his toys. Thank Heavens!! I'm proud of the way he has been acting, even at home. He has been somewhat more respectful and caring. The other morning he crawled in bed with me a little before 6am. He is always wanting to snuggle in the mornings, which I truly love. But this morning, he turned to me and said, "mommy, I love you more than life itself" I have said that to him multiple times, but this time he returned the favor. My heart just beamed and eyes filled with tears. I felt so special!
Alex on the other hand has been a bit of a handful. He is still sweet and cute and absolutely adorable, but..... He's also decided he no longer needs a sippee cup. He wants to be a big boy and use regular cups like his big brother. So....he unscrews the lid. Yes, my 2 year old unscrews the lid to his sippee cup. Which of course generally ends in tears and "uh oh" when he's covered in juice or chocolate milk. He also is going through a hitting phase. Although I remind him we only give hugs and kisses, which he generally gives, he still hits when he doesn't get his way. Oh have mercy!!! (I love his kisses because he always wants to kiss on the lips). I remind myself, it's just a phase and won't last forever.
We've had a good bit of snow and the kids got to play, but unfortunately I had to sleep. I'm hoping the hubby will take a few pics that I can post. But if not, they've had a lot of phone regardless.
Have a great week.