The day I have dreaded for such a long time.
The day when it finally became apparent that disciple was not longer time out or taking things away. The day when we released, duh duh duh.......the BELT.
Since Tuesday Ryan had been having trouble at school. Mostly not wanting to complete his work, so he missed 5-10 minutes of recess finishing his work before playing with his friends. We have had multiple talks about this, and every day get the same answer, "I'm just tired. I can't sit still" And every day, we put him to bed between 8 and 8:15. He awakens on his own, watches a cartoon or two, eats some breakfast, and off to school he goes. Then came Friday. I was in ACLS finishing up day 2 when I checked my phone. There was a missed call and voice mail from a number I did not recognize. When I listened to the message, I was outraged. Ryan had smarted off to the student teacher and was being very rude. I immediately called Mike to go to the school since I couldn't. He smoothed things over with Ryan and the teacher-he apologized and appeared (key word APPEARED) better. Well--that didn't last long. After Mike and I had lunch and decided to go grocery shopping, my phone rang AGAIN. This time his teacher informed me of yet another incident requiring him to be removed from Chinese instruction (yes they teach Chinese in kindergarten where he is). I was livid!!! I don't think I've ever been so upset with him before. Needless to say, I stopped what I was doing, and Mike and I headed to school. When we walked in, his teacher's assistant said, "oh it's a double whammy" And she was so right. I pulled him out of his class and took him home. Granted it was an hour early, and that causes a tardy, but I didn't care. On the sign out sheet reason I put "discipline". He sat in silence the whole way home. Any time he attempted to breathe a word I informed him it was in his best interest to keep his mouth closed. Upon arriving home he went to his room where we had a "Come to Jesus meeting" about his actions. He was crying and upset, but not as bad as when Mike pulled out the belt.
I got it when I was a child and so can he. A few swipes on that backside made a world of difference today. I hated to do it, and my heart was breaking the whole time, but it had to be done. Time outs don't work. Taking something away doesn't work. So in addition to the licks with the belt, he also lost ALL of his toys. He had to help Mike and myself move them to our bedroom--every last one of them. He has to earn them back one by one. If he has a good day, he earns one back, of my choosing. If he acts up and gets a straight or frowny face one of those returned becomes mine again. I don't really like all of these toys in my room, so I hope he gets it this time.
I try to be a good mother and raise him correctly, but he's making it difficult. I know God will give me strength to do this. Thank heavens, because today I wanted to wring his neck. I'm praying the next few days will be a little easier. Only time will tell. Lots of prayers headed to God for things to go better.
So that's part of, a day in the life.....
Praying for God to give you wisdom. This parenting thing just stinks sometimes. We have to remember that we are raising men. Tough stuff!
Oh Renee I'm so sorry you are having a rough time with Ryan. When Our kids misbehaved we would put them in the corner and none of this one minute per a stuff. Smoetimes they were in the corner for over an hour. I can actually remember on numerous occasios forgetting them there but it worked.
Have you had him assessed for attention issues?
You are a GREAT Mom and you will get through. I could tell you some CRAZY stories I have gone through with my boys. It takes a STRONG STRONG woman to raise BOYS!
God will give you the strength you need, have Faith.
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