The most important thing I can post about over the last few weeks is prayer. It is so different for everyone. Some choose to be all "God like" thinking that it is stronger and goes to God more. I on the other hand feel that if God is supposed to be like a best friend, I should talk to him whenever and wherever...and I do. No matter what the situation. But it is the prayer of a child that makes my heart swell and my eyes fill with tears. The other night, I put the boys to bed together because Ryan wanted to sleep with Alexander. As they were laying there side by side, I reminded Ryan he needed to say his prayers. Instead of just "saying" them, he rolled over, put his hand on Alex's chest, bent down to his ear, and said, "now I lay me down to sleep....." I just started bawling. I don't think I have ever felt such pride and love like that. I mean, what do you say to that? Thank you God for giving me the opportunity to teach my children in the way they should go. There is no greater gift in this world. We are so blessed.
Being blessed is just one of the many things I've enjoyed. Also, while the snow was out I decided to take a trip to Lexington Cemetary for some photography. Some were good and some were not, but I like to focus on the former. I thought I'd post a few. Hope you like them as much as I did.
I was thinking today just how impressionable children are. Jenna was talking like a wise little adult today about how she needs to make a habit of this or that. I could hear in my mind her sweet teacher telling her this type of thing...making a habit of practicing her sight words nightly, etc. Anyway, children have such a desire to learn and an affinity toward things of heaven, don't you think? It is no wonder, they are so fresh from heaven. What a great honor and also a great responsibility to teach our children what we know to be true..that God and Jesus live and love us. That we can talk to them whenever and wherever and even though we can't see them that they are there, and we can feel their presence and comfort as we seek it.
Thanks for the reminder...I will one day look back and frankly not care so much that they knew how to count by 5s at age such and such, but I will care that they knew as a small child that they were a child of God. Puts things in perspective...
GREAT POST Renee, Just remember these moments when the times are more difficult.
pics are beautiful. I find great peace in that very place and have many pics of that cemetary in the spring.
Many B;essings :o)
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