That doesn't stop my family from being outside. Although I look like I have just emerged from a sauna when I come back inside, all red faced and drenched through to my skin, we stay outside a lot. The boys are all about riding their bikes. Once Ryan got his bike shorts it's been an ongoing thing. He rides ALL THE TIME. Unfortunately though, he's beginning to outgrow his bike. Now we have to find another that is not too big, but one on which to grow. That's going to be difficult. Alexander on the other hand, has a bike of his own as well. The one from the kid around the corner fits him pretty good. He loves to sit on it, and although he can't pedal on his own, he does try to pedal as Mike or myself push him. He loves it as much as his older brother does.
We've been to the pool quite a few times this summer so far. Ryan has gotten better after being at YMCA camp and Alexander has NO fear whatsoever. It's amazing that when we arrive, he's a little skiddish. But give him 5 minutes, and the boy will jump in over and over, go under, and come up with a smile saying, "Again mommy, again". It's so cute, but scary at the same time. Knowing him, he would jump in the deep end without a second thought. I'm guessing we'll have to put him in swim lessons next year.
YMCA camp has been a little interesting this summer. Although I believe in the Christian principles that YMCA is based upon, I think they are just a little too strict on children that have never had a experience like this. Granted, my child is not perfect, but neither am I. I feel like you have to let them make mistakes, then punish them. Not expect them to be perfect. He's just had a rough go of it. The first week, he wet his pants because he didn't want to go in the bathroom because of the spiders. Bless his heart. I felt badly for him, but then again, he's got to realize he's bigger than they are. He was suspended twice in 2 weeks, mainly for acting like a boy. I think he pushed a kid, and hit a kid, then went off the trail. After talking with him, it appeared he was not the only one at fault, that he had been provoked more than once. Yet again, I don't agree with retaliation, and he should have gone to a counselor, it frustrated me significantly that my son was being called on the carpet.
So after a week of not getting phone calls, and having good days, I felt as though he was beginning to settle in a little. He was earning stars and silly bandz and things were going well........
Until today.......
I received a phone call letting me know there had been an incident involving Ryan. He had "exposed" himself to one of the other campers. As it turns out, after I had to go pick him up and we talked, that it was an older kid that approached him. Evidently Ryan was changing out of his trunks as the other, older child was putting his on. Ryan "says" the boy threatened him with bodily harm unless he showed him his parts. Now that, I'm not so sure of, but nonetheless....Ryan should've said no and gone to a counselor. But instead, he turned around and showed it off. Now that being said, I would like to know how many males have not done the same in a locker room or bathroom. I mean seriously!!! All men are worried about their "package" at some time in their lives. I even said that to the little counselor, at the ripe age of 22!! I'm sure he has done the same and boys will be boys. Oh well, we had a good afternoon regardless and I'm sure tomorrow will be better.
Alexander has gone a spitting rampage. Evidently at daycare, they allow them to spit, "in the potty". Like a 2 year old would rather spit in the potty vs. outside. Why allow them to spit at all? This past weekend I put soap in his mouth, but evidently it didn't leave a lasting impression. When I picked him up Monday, he was sitting in time out for spitting on a little girl. I don't know what's next. Tobasco? I don't think I'd go that far, but I have to find something.
Potty training is a joke these days. He did that one time, and hasn't since. On the occasion he sits on the potty, but doesn't want to for long. That's okay I guess. He still has a few months until he turns 3.
Wow, I feel like I've rambled a lot this afternoon. It's nice just to share (vent) a little. Sometimes I just need to get things off my chest.
Hope everyone is having a great summer!!
Love to you all
1 comment:
Sounds like regular,active,little boys to me...Zac seems to think his part is his worry-stone. I assured him that it wasn't going anywhere, but even still. When it is exposed it is the center of attention for him. Esp with all the swimming (trunks off and on, etc). Also spitting is a tough one. Have you seen the dugout at a a baseball game?! Besides, he's 2! Boys,boys,boys. One day we will smile over it all. For now, it is stressful. You are an awesome that CARES! I love you and miss talking at work!
So awesome BTW about your little cyclists! That is great!
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