We had a little lunch after I had a long, HOT, bath......which could have only been made better if there were no children running in and out and I had a glass of Zinfandel in my hand. Oh well.....motherhood. After them resting a bit I decided to take the boys to Evan's Orchard. It's about 20 minutes from here and we go quite often in the fall. The weather was so beautiful today we couldn't pass it up. The boys were a little whiny, but I knew as soon as we got there they would be overjoyed.....
and that they were!!

They had a great time playing in the corn
going down the slides

and just being as busy as boys can be.....they climbed, ran, played hide and seek in the straw maze
and showed me their very adorable sides to remind me just how blessed I am to be their mommy

They ate ice cream (while I drank my diet pepsi....)

and of course we had to measure for the fall

It was shaping up to be one of the best days of early fall
.....and then both of them got stung by red wasps. Oh the drama!!!!! Of course it was a few minutes before I realized what had happened because we were in a wooden maze. I could see over the top, but I had to get to them. When I found them, both had been stung :( Ryan's was on his right arm and under his left eye. Luckily Alexander only had one on his right arm. I finally got us out of the maze and headed to the main building to let the owners know. It didn't bother me and I wasn't upset because this is what can happen when you play outside. They were very apologetic and let me dive in to their emergency kit. We found some hydrocortisone cream and bandaids and that seemed to fix it for a little while. Both of them cried a few more times, but now a few hours later are just fine.
We ended the afternoon by heading to walmart and chilling out. Alex wanted to watch Yogi bear, but..........
and Ryan vegged out watching TV in my room
These are beautiful days.........
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