Monday, March 19, 2012

so close....

It's the middle of March and Spring Break is becoming ever so close. As excited as I am for the kids to have a break, I am very nervous as well. Last year just before and the 3 weeks following were the toughest weeks we had ever had with Ryan. I'm prayerful that his maturity level will change this year for the best. His teacher is awesome and I'm sure she'll do her best to keep things going in the right direction.

He's been working on papers at school. Some were informative, some narrative, and so on. His informative paper was about what you call a family of goats. I thought that was cute. But then he wrote an opinion paper on why he liked sheep so much. I was amazed at the things he said and how he worded his paper. I thought, "wow and this is only 2nd grade". His brain is amazing and I'm sure if he allows himself, he will go far :)

Alexander is a tough little bugger these days. Some nights just absolutely refusing to go to bed, regardless of how late it is or how many times I swat his bottom. I'm not sure why he's going through this phase. Ryan did it, but I had a newborn at home. Maybe it's just a developmental phase he needs to get through. I'm hoping, because I am tired of putting him back to bed all the time!!!

Work is work for me....still teaching a lot of Zumba Fitness almost every day and recently completed the Turbo Kick certification. I hope I passed, seeing as how I won't know for a few more weeks. I'll be super psyched if I did!!! But more things are in the works, and my life is blessed.

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