Yes, that's right. We actually went away for a week! And it was glorious!!!
Of course, it centered around Mike's 1/2 marathon trail run in Columbia, SC, but that gave us an excuse to go even further.
This year, on the advice of some friends, we went to Litchfield Beach, SC. We rented a condo at the Litchfield Beach and Golf Resort, and it was awesome. It was close to the pools and the shuttle to the beach. Even though we weren't on the beach, the little golf cart shuttle made rounds about every 15 minutes and took us to and from it :)
We started our vacay though visiting Renee's cousin in Anderson. Since the family is so spread out, this was nice to visit, even if only for one night. The next day we drove to Greenville to spend the day in the park and having lunch before heading to Columbia. The boys had a great time with their girls at the pool and playing in their rooms. I want my kids to know their family and enjoy life.
Mike's race was on Sunday and he said it was the hardest ever. It was a true trail run.....and I don't think he was truly prepared for that. He came back to the hotel with scrapes and bruises and a little hole in his had where he had fallen (more than once unfortunately). But all in all, he finished and survived.
We drove to Litchfield after lunch and got settled in to the condo. I headed off to the local Piggly Wiggly and Fresh Market for some item for the week. And then we headed off to the glorious pool. Big pool, lazy river, kid's area, hot there anything more for which I could have asked? This place was amazing!!!
Monday morning was beach time!!! The shuttle took us to the beach early so it wouldn't be too hot. We stayed a few hours then came back to get ready for lunch. The beach and beach club is so clean. I couldn't have asked for a better place. The boys loved the waves and although Alexander was a little nervous at first, he eventually found his footing and LOVED it. Ryan preferred to dig in the sand......
Lunch was out (figured it would be cheaper than dinner). The first day was Bistro 217. A little pricey, but Ryan ordered shrimp....and ate every bit of it. And I'm not talking popcorn shrimp. I'm talking the big huge butterfly with tail on it shrimp. He was in absolute heaven!
Pool time later in the afternoon again before bed.
Tuesday was out at the pool. After lunch we drove to Myrtle Beach in a thunderstorm to the outlet mall :) Momma had to get a little shopping done.
We had dinner there and headed back for a little more pool time.
Wednesday was beach and pool again. This time lunch was at Applewood Pancake House. Nothing spectacular, but it was good nonetheless.
Thursday morning was spent taking pictures on the beach with the family, then changing for one last frolic in the ocean. I unfortunately got stung by a jellyfish so we had to cut our ocean time short a little. Oh well, the boys had an adventure of a lifetime anyway.
All in all the trip was fantastic and I wouldn't have traded it for anything. I'm grateful we got to go, and can't wait to return next year!!!
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