Monday, January 18, 2010

not me Monday

So, I've never done this before, but I'm going to give it a try.

Alex really loves to read, mostly his Bible, which is highly adorable. He begged to take it to bed the other night. I didn't let him, no not me. If I had let him I wouldn't have woken up to this:

Because of this I didn't have to spend 30 minutes on Sunday morning re-taping multiple pages of his Bible back together. No not me. I was just able to close it up and take it on to Church. NOT!!


Sandy said...

good job in your first not me monday! You should keep doing them, you're a natural!

AngelaCate said...

Ha! I think I find books like this on the kids' floor DAILY. How funny is that?!

Tina said...

LOL, you are a better Mommy then me, He would have gone to church without one, I would have pitched that ripped up mess (I'm far to tired to tape it back together) and bought a new on!

You get MAJOR Momma of the year points for doing that! I bow at your feet. Although I am sure it was not so funny at the time.

I am happy to be back blogging I have missed reading about you and your family. You should be so VERY VERY proud of yourself. I love reading your blog.

ck said...

Oh man, my second daughter does that to her books and it hurts my feelings. I try not to take it personal but I LOVE BOOKS! She loves them too, but likes to get down and dirty with them. I caught her stepping on Shel Silverstein once. NO ONE steps on Shel. I had to put them away until she learned to respect him. I mean, c'mon. You can rip up celebrity books, but not the real deal!