Friday, March 7, 2008


As most of you know I am a big blog reader. I love to see how other people live their lives and survive from day to day. One of my favorites of course is cfhusband. You all should check out this past weeks post of a video where Tricia got to hold her baby girl for the first time in 8 weeks!! Even if none of you have followed until now, you can't help but tear up at the thought of how great it feels to hold your child for the first time after that long. The video was done to the song "My child" by Plumb. I downloaded an album and found my new favorite song. It's called "Me". It talks about not being able to sleep, or eat, or even shower because you need "me". It's all about being a mom and is so touching. I LOVE IT. I hope you all get a chance to find it, download it, and listen to it over and over again. Love you all!!!

1 comment:

theglenns556 said...

How did I not know you had a blog? I'm glad to find you. It is SO good to see your little guys. I'm adding you to my list of daily reads!