Tuesday, January 29, 2008

On a lighter note, my boys are becoming more wild and crazy by the day. I love spending time with them just playing and laughing. Today we went to the "workout gym" as Ryan calls it, had a good lunch, and a great nap. I was so fortunate that both (well one at least) wanted to take a nap. The other was coaxed into a nap with the hope of a piece of chocolate cake (made with diet pepsi) after awakening. You can guess that was the first thing out of his mouth after getting up (after having to check on Alex of course). Then we had to put the Thomas the Train puzzle together again. Amazingly enough it takes Ryan no time to do this. It has to sit all day in the dining room with the light on so that at night we can turn out all the lights and watch it glow in the dark. Nana did you know it would do that when you bought it?

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